In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Monday, February 02, 2009

Back At It

After a bit of a hiatus, I'm back at blogging.

I'm planning on some changes in 2009--some that I hoped to have in place by now. But, what with this, that and the other, the changes haven't happened yet. Life kept interrupting my "best laid plans."

If there's anything I know, life isn't perfect. So, rather than waiting until I've got everything all nice and pretty, I decided to get back at it.
So what's ahead in 2009?

I'll still be blogging about late-in-life motherhood--life as a Mommy-Come-Lately®.
But I'll be expanding my topics to include all the different aspects of life I'm living. I'm applying the well-worn adage: Write what you know. For me, that means write what I live.

If you glance at my "Speaking" page, you'll see I talk about other things besides being an older mom. Some of those topics will show up in this blog too.

2009 looks like it will be a fun year. A year of change. The transition will probably have a few glitches along the way.
But that's okay. Just remember:
Life: Perfection Not Required.

**Check out my post over at the Hearts at Home blog: Ask Your Child This Question**.


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