In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Whole Other Kind of Summer Vacation

Summer isn't going according to "The Plan."

If it was, I'd be happily doing laundry--yes, happily!--and packing suitcases for a trip to Oregon. But the flight on Saturday will leave without me, my husband and our caboose kiddo.

"The Plan" was foiled when my husband Rob slipped on a wet boulder during a family hike two weeks ago. Up until that moment, we'd enjoyed a picture-perfect Colorado day with our three daughters.

When he fell, Rob landed on his left knee--and broke his knee cap in half. I'm not the medical one in the family, but even I know when your knee has a crater in the middle and two high peaks on either side that something is seriously wrong!

I could tell you about how my daughters ran back down the mountain in record time to get help for their dad--but I won't. I could also tell you how Rob splinted his leg with two tree branches, bandanas and parachute cord and walked back down the mountain--meeting the rescue teams halfway down. But I won't, even though it is quite a story!

I'm mulling over how quickly plans can change. Life is all about helping Rob heal right now. We had to forego a 4th of July camping trip--but that's what you do when a family member is down--literally confined to the couch or bed. And we had to give up a week at a beach house in Oregon with some wonderful friends. Yep, that hurts. But, it's reality right now. It's what needs to be done because it's what is best for my husband.

Christa is watching all this. Not only is she watching all of it, she's right in the midst of it! She was one scared little girl when she realized her daddy was badly hurt. But when her big sisters, Katie Beth and Amy, told her they needed to run back down the mountain to get him help, she ran.

At one point as they ran through the mountain stream, they told Christa, "You are a little mountain goat!"

She looked at them and asked, "Is that good?"

They laughinlgy assured her it was a very good thing.

Christa knows how to help Rob lift his leg up onto a chair or stool--because he can't do that for himself. She brings him the paper or a book or a cup of water when he asks. When we run errands, Rob sits in the backseat, his leg stretched out, his foot resting in Christa's lap.

It's all part of being a family.

Sure, our plans for the summer have been upended. But I'm thinking Christa is learning some valuable lessons like kindness. And compassion. And being a servant.

I hope she remembers those values long after summer fades.



At 7:37 AM, Blogger Patricia said...

Oh, my! I am so sorry. You are so right about Christa. I recently posted about caring for our elderly parents and one of the best comments some one made to that post regarding the caregiving to her family members was..."and I know my children are watching."

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

It's true. The summer is not turning out to be what I expected ... but that doesn't mean it doesn't have some good coming out of it ...

At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Scoti Springfield Domeij said...

I love the way your family pulls together.

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

You know, it's one of the things I am thankful for too!


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