In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Monday, August 17, 2009

Christa's Trip to Marlyand

Christa spent the last week in Maryland--and from what she and her sisters told me, she spent a lot of it in her Aunt Theresa's and Uncle Steven's pool!! The goal of the trip--besides lots of pool time--was for the girls to connect with their East coast relatives.

When she wasn't in the pool, Christa had lots of fun hanging with her big sisters. Since there is such a big age gap between Christa and Katie Beth and Amy, I sometimes worry about their relationships. But the older girls make spending time with their little sister a priority.

Apologies for the smaller photos ... Sightseeing at the Naval Academy in Annapolis. Any summer trip has to include sightseeing,right? This is one of the few times they managed to coax Christa away from the pool.

Christa and her some of her East coast cousins. The trip accomplished many things: connecting with family, getting tans, relaxing, a few required tourist t-shirts and a pile of dirty laundry stuffed in the suitcases the girls lugged back home to Colorado! All in all, a wonderful trip!!


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