Words from the Wise: Introducing Brenda Nixon (Again)

Brenda Nixon, author of Parenting Power in the Early Years, is a writing comrade of mine. I mentioned her back in November in my post Working Towards Unemployment. In that post, I quoted Brenda's "General Parenting Philosophy":
In your daily discipline, ask yourself if your teaching also includes
lessons on self-reliance so your kids will one day be able to get on in life without you. They can be butterflies, but the cocoon has got to go.
Wise words, yes?
Brenda comes by that wisdom honestly--and through a lot of hard work. She has both an undergraduate and a Master's degree in education. She's also been a Psychiatric Chaplain, Certified Parent Educator, and an Educational Consultant for Discovery Toys. ( I love Discovery Toys!)
Brenda says every one of those experiences funnels into her work today as an author and speaker. But she insists being a parent was one of the most important ways she prepared for speaking and writing about raising kids.
Brenda's speaking topics include discipline, understanding your child's temperament, and boosting a child's school success. When discussing discipline, Brenda teaches that there are eight effective, positive ways to guide a child's behavior. These are:
- Modifying the environment
- Distraction
- Time In
- Time Out
- Consequences
- Compliment Appropriate Behavior
- Telling a Child what TO DO ( directive phrasing)
- Simple Choices (offer two acceptable choices)
Brenda also offers free Daily Discipline Tips, which come to your Inbox each Wednesday. Each tip is short and easy to read and encourages you with a new insight, skill, quote, or definition of a discipline method. This subscription-only service is available by signing up at website, http://www.brendanixon.com/. Check out the website for some great articles like "How to be a Successful Parent" and "Teaching Thankfulness."
Visit the other stops along Brenda Nixon's Blog Tour:
Where she was yesterday
Portrait of a Writer ... Interrupted
Where she'll be tomorrow:
In the Dailies
Thanks, Beth, for allowing me to share with your readers on my January blog tour. If any readers are in Vinton, Iowa, I'm going to be there Saturday, February 23 speaking on Understanding Your Child's Temperament.
Oops, that's me as the "Anonymous" posting. My finger hit the send button before I was ready. :-)
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