In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Flu Season

It's flu season.

I know, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. It's flu season here--and it's flu season where you are too.

On the home front, Christa spent yesterday on the couch, once again watching too much television and wanting me to rub her feet. What can I say? Like mother, like daughter. I like to have my feet rubbed too. She even took a late afternoon nap--and my caboose kiddo is not a napper.

But looks like it's Back To School Day for Christa!

My husband, who is a family physician, has seen a lot of the flu up-close and personal, thanks to the many patients who have filled his exam rooms to overflowing. And, despite the fact that he got his flu shot, Rob got a mild case of the flu--and shared it with me, even though I got a flu shot too.

Recent news headlines tell us the flu vaccine hasn't targeted this year's flu. So, why did we bother?

Now a federal advisory board is recommending that all children get flu shots. Up until now, flu shots were recommended for children under 5. Now, they're being recommended for children between six months old and 18 years. Children ages 5 to 18 get the flu at higher rates than other age groups, but they don’t tend to get as sick. Experts believe giving flu shots to more children may prevent the flu from spreading to adults and the elderly, although studies haven’t clearly established that will happen.

Right now, I'm just thinking I'm focused on today--not next flu season. One day at a time. I'm thankful that today my daughter is back to normal. I'm thankful I can get back to normal too--and try to catch up on all the things I've ignored on my To Do list.


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