In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I was on the phone a lot yesterday afternoon.

Consequently, Christa watched a bit too much television. Not the first time that happened. If the child has any emotional problems, it will probably be related to the amount of children's programming she's been exposed to.

I should start saving for that expense now, I guess.

Now, in my defense, the phone calls were important ones.


About two-thirds the way through the second phone call, Christa walked up to me, holding up a 3x5 index card. On it, she had written: I need time with my mom.

Okay, then.

Let the guilt begin.

I confess, I did not immediately get off the phone.

But, once I wrapped up my very important conversation, I gave Christa what she needed: time with me.

I am thankful Christa, like all my other children, is extremely forgiving of my mommy-mistakes. The minute I was available to her--she was ready to spend time with me. She didn't say, "Too late, Mom. You missed your chance!"

That's why I believe I've learned more about forgiveness and God's grace from my children than from anyone else.

May I be like a little child ...

And next time, I hope I don't need a hand-written sign to tell me what my child needs from me.

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At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just gotta are a GREAT mom! the best I could ever ask for! Love you so much :)


At 10:01 AM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

Thanks for putting that in writing, Kitten!


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