In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Face-to-Face with the Pornography Problem

“It’s not a question of if you’ll be exposed to pornography, it’s when.” ~ Jason Caroll, author of Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults

So, I was trying to access a perfectly fine website.

But then I transposed a couple of letters--I realized my mistake as I was typing--and ended up at a website that was anything but fine.

With a few misplaced keystrokes, my monitor was deluged with pornography.

Not just one image.

Multiple images.

I looked down at my keyboard, throwing my hand up over my eyes. I felt nauseated. Violated.

I shut down the website--and then did everything I could to make sure I never stumble onto it again.

Later, I called a friend and asked her to pray for me because I hated how the images continued to replay in my mind.

And I hadn't looked at my screen for more than a matter of seconds.

As we talked, I got angry.

"This is why I talk to moms about helping their sons choose purity instead of pornography," I said. I was so upset I wanted to scream. To cry. "Some unsuspecting boy--or girl for that matter--who isn't even looking for that trash, can do the same thing I did--type in the wrong web address--and get hit with all of those images!"

I warn moms about this type of accidental discovery of porn whenever I give my talk, "How To Help Your Son Choose Purity Instead of Pornography."

"Your sons don't have to go looking for pornography," I tell other moms. "It will come looking for them."

And now, I'm sad to say, I've experienced that unavoidable truth for myself.



At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Porn is a big cultural migraine headache. Too bad we can't take a pill and get rid of it!

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

No--there's no easy fix. And ignoring the problem isn't going to help either. We need to face it and figure out how to deal with it.

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Tea with Tiffany said...

Oh my, I've not had this happen yet. I know my day is coming. And I would feel just like you. Angry. Violated. I'm so sorry.

Your book is SO important. May God give you the strength to write and research until this work is done. Pornography is not going away. You have time. But I also sense the urgency of now. It's needed. Now! But I can rest and trust His timing is perfect. You're in the stream, I know He will carry you to calm waters. He will not let you drown. He has you wrapped in His life jacket.



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