In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

You Know You're a Late-in-Life Mom When

You know you're a late-in-life mom when:

You're standing with other much-younger mommies watching your child sing Christmas programs with her kindergarten class.

And there I was this morning, taking pictures of Christa in her snowflake top with handmade, construction paper reindeer antlers on top of her head. I started talking with another mom--and discovered she's a repeater Mommy-come-lately like me. Her children are 20, 10 and 5-going-on-6.

We shared that instant "You, too?" bond of being surprised by pregnancies at 41.

"You know, I keep running into more and more moms like you and me," she said.

Don't I know it! I felt all alone during my late-in-life pregnancy--and then I found out that the biggest trend in birth rate in the last decade is more and more women in their mid-30s and 40s having babies.

One of my favorite parts of writing my book BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING: Embracing and Preparing for Motherhood after 35 (Revell, July 2007) was hearing so many other Mommies-come-lately's stories.

Another great resource for late-in-life mom stories is at InSeason Mom, a web site for first-time moms age 35 and older. Check out her Featured Mom page.

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