In the News July 30, 2007
Infant Car Seats May Increase Risk of SIDS
Placing newborns in a sittng position in car seats, infant carriers, or infant seats may increase the risk of sudden infant death (SIDS), according to a study published online by Archives of Disease in Childhood.
Baby's Brainpower Boosted by Prenatal Omega-3
Researchers found that nine-month-olds whose mothers had eaten snackbars fortified with one of the major omega-3 fatty acids performed better at problem-solving than infants whose mothers had not added the fatty acid to their diets.
Alternative Therapy No Real Help for Infertile Women
Infertile women who use alternative treatments are about 20% more likely to experience persistent reproductive problem than non-users, according to investigators.
Autism Diagnosis Can Be Made Earlier
About half of the children who develop autism might be diagnosed by 14 months of age, according to a study in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
Umbilical Abnormalities Increase with Increased Complexity of Assisted Reproduction Techniques
As assisted reproduction techniques (ART) get more complex, the frequency of umbilical abnormalities increases, according to researchers.