In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Thursday, June 02, 2011

In My Words: Time Flies When You're Trying to Write

Where did Wednesday go?
And while I'm asking the question, can someone tell me how the rest of the week disappeared?
I won't say I have nothing to show for this week. It's just that what I have accomplished wasn't on my Writing To Do list.
Did I achieve significant forward motion in my work-in-progress? Um, no. Did I achieve any progress? Not enough to feel good about it.
I've dealt with the usual interruptions: phone calls and laundry and visiting with my kiddos and editing other writers' stuff for my "real" job and commenting on others' blogs and tweeting (social marketing, don'tcha know?) and battling vertigo. For the record, I don't want vertigo to become part of the usual interruptions.
I'm not much of a clock watcher, so I'm always surprised to realize it's 9 o'clock in the evening--time to start wrapping up today and to think about tomorrow. If I was a clock watcher, I'm not so sure the clock in my office would help me keep a handle on the hours in my day.

What do you think?
Does that Writer's Clock aptly depict days in your writing life? Is your day a cycle of Write, Write, Toss, Retrieve, Start Over, Writer's Block, Adult Beverage (just give me a large cherry Coke from Sonic), Write, Submit, Revise, Revise, Publish?
Some days it seems like I'm stuck on Write, Write, Toss. I don't even bother to Retrieve what I've thrown away. I've celebrated the clock hands hitting the Publish mark, but I know enough to realize I'll soon be in the writing cycle again.

In Your Words: How do you handle the hours in your day so that you're satisfied with what you've accomplished when you crawl into bed at night? Any tricks for controlling time so that writing--and revising--doesn't get shoved down to the last thing on your To Do list?

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At 4:58 AM, Anonymous Tonya VanWinkle said...

I so need that clock! :)

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Catherine said...

Oh my! I completely relate to this post and I'm so encouraged to know that a 'true writer' deals with the same things - down to the vertigo. I just have to remind myself that the 'whole package of me' is what God intends to use to do what He has called ME to do. In my weakness His strength is made evident.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

I think everyone-writers or not--struggle with time getting away from them. My son, who is also a writer, gave me this clock. And I love it because it so aptly describes the writing life!

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I looove that clock. Must find one for myself...:) Only, like you, I may have to substitute something else for the adult beverage (not that I don't like a nice glass of wine now and then)...but I'm pretty sure you can guess my calming drink of choice...:) So anyway, I love that you wrote this today because last night I went to bed feeling like I'd wasted my whole evening. Sure, I got some laundry done, but not much else. Prioritizing is HARD...and I'm still trying to figure out how to balance a full time job, my writing dream and some semblance of a social life...

But I read this verse today - and thought it may or may not directly connect - indirectly it does: "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you." Isaiah 26:3 And it's got me thinking, when I feel my productivity goals are buried underneath all the other stuff that comes up, I can agonize and berate myself...or I can take a deep breath, set my thoughts on Christ and enjoy the peace that brings. And then...I'm in the right from of mind to seek balance, prioritize and hopefully, be the productive writer I'd like to be. :)

(So, productivity may be an issue for me this week, but apparently my rambling skills are out in full force.)

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oops, make that "frame of mind." :)

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

Great insights, M-Tagg! And I love that verse--it's one of my life verses.

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Jeanne Takenaka said...

Great blog today, Beth, and I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with the sense of little/no progress this week. I keep reminding myself that my wip will develop in God's timing (maybe there needs to be a "God time" place on that clock, just to remind a writer that all things happen in His perfect time).

I also know that I need to be purposeful with the time I do have to write, when I'm not taking care of young children, making a meal, preparing for house guests, being a wife, keeping up with the house (low on the priority list!) and living life. So, I am purposing to spend less time online and more of that time writing. I hope. Thanks, Beth. :)

At 9:20 PM, Blogger Sarah Forgrave said...

Ha! I love that clock. :)

I try to create blocks of time in my day. The first chunk in the morning is breakfast and God-time. Then the rest of the morning is kids time and housework time. Afternoon is naptime, aka writing time. Evening is family time then blogging time. Some days I get these all out of order, and inevitably those are the days when I feel like I accomplished nothing. As long as I stick to the plan, I'm good. :)

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

Sounds like a good plan, Sarah!!
Maybe your clock should have that kind of a motif!

And I like adding a "God time" on the clock, Jeanne. But maybe it should go all around the clock. :O)


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