In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One Unexpected Benefit of a Late-in-Life Child

I can let life overwhelm me.

Sometimes I'll be driving in the car, mentally rehearsing my ever-expanding To Do list. Christa sits in the back seat, a spectator to my increasing anxiety as my time decreases in proportion to all that needs to get done.

"Breathe, Mom," she says," Breathe."

I glance in the rearview mirror and see her lifting her arms and circling her hands in an in-out motion as she inhales and exhales.

"Like this. Breathe in and out. In and Out."

I laugh out loud.

And I breathe.

In and out.

In and out.

Christa reminds me to relax. To not let life be so overwhelming.

I don't know how my 7-year-old caboose kiddo got so smart--but I'm thankful that she's along for the ride--both literally and figuratively. She's brought an unexpected balance to my life. When I first found out I was pregnant at 41, all I felt was off-kilter. Out-of-whack. It took me quite a while to think of this as being normal.

It's no longer just normal to have Christa in my life--it's right and good and a reason to be thankful.

Sometimes my caboose kiddo is the voice of sanity from the back seat of my car.

Imagine that.


At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Make my cry. Just found out today my "infertile" girlfriend, who adopted two, then had a "mircale" six years ago with a little girl is pregnant again! At age 44! Is she totally overwhelmed? Yes. Was she crying when she told me? Yes. I want five of your books, signed and delivered. Tell me what I owe you!

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

Rejoicing with you as you celebrate your friend's entry into the mommy-come-lately life!!
We'll talk books when I get back from Hearts at Home!


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