This Old Couch

Rob and I had three teenagers. It was time to replace our beat-up couch with something nicer--a couch that wouldn't be climbed on, jumped on, spilled on by little kids. So we went couch shopping. You can imagine how much Rob enjoyed that. We ordered a matching leather couch and loveseat.
I was a happy woman.
A few months later, I was a woman brought to her knees by morning sickness. The mom of three teenagers and I'm pregnant?! The view of my unborn daughter's beating heart on an ultrasound monitor confirmed the reality: Rob and I were having a fourth child.
My "No More Kids" couch arrived two days after I found out I was pregnant. When the men hauled it off the truck and positioned it in my living room, I was upstairs in my bedroom. Actually, I was hanging over the edge of my bed, holding onto a blue plastic bucket, getting sick as a dog.
"Honey, the new couch is here," Rob called from downstairs.
"I." Heave. "Don't." Heave "Care."
Truth be told, I logged a lot of miles on that couch in the past 10 years--with my caboose kiddo Christa.
As a baby, Christa was never much of a napper. But if I laid on the couch and held her, she'd fall asleep in my arms--and I'd fall asleep holding her. We spent hours snuggled under blankets on the soft Italian leather.
We still do.
My "No More Kids" couch became "our" couch.
It's pretty beat up. Christa and her friends have climbed on that couch, jumped on it, spilled on it.
I'm thinking of getting a new couch.
But just not yet.
There's a few more good naps left in this one.
Labels: caboose kiddo, embracing late-in-life motherhood, memories, unexpected family traditions, unexpected pregnancies
Wait!!! Don't get rid of that couch yet. Take it from one who is ahead of you on this path, you are likely to have grandchildren before Christa is a teenager. As much as I would love a new couch (and new floors), with grandbabies nearby, I'm perfectly content to have them throw up, spill, wet, jump on and otherwise live on the one I have now. It will happen. =)
Maybe I'll just move it downstairs . . .
Lots of memories in that couch.
All tied up in children.
Love this post Beth! It is GREAT!
You know my goal for all my furnishings from carpet to couch. I want them all to be mud brown. If everything is brown then it doesn't really matter what gets spilled on it.
Cute post!
I enjoyed this post. :) The sweetness of the memories and what your "new" couch has become to you and Christa. Thanks for sharing it, my friend!
Great post thank youu
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