In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just one of those times

Last night, exhaustion overwhelmed all my good intentions. I didn't blog. I didn't work on my next book proposal or critique manuscripts from my writers group. I didn't even clean the kitchen.
Instead, I fell asleep on the couch--and my husband fell asleep on the other couch.
I am thankful Christa was just as exhausted, thanks to a full week of kindergarten activities. So, for once, it wasn't a matter of running out of energy long before my five-year-old did.
I think that's one common fear among late-in-life moms (and dads.) We are afraid we aren't going to keep up with all the activity a young child thrives on. Sure, we talk about older being wiser. But older for me also means I get tired sooner.
People like to say, "I bet Christa keeps you young!"
My reply?
"Christa keeps me tired."

That's one of my realities of being a older mom.


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