In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Not So Empty Nest

My son Josh moved to New York City this summer and landed a job at Simon and Schuster. (I confess: I am a little jealous!) It's odd to be living out west while Josh lives on the east coast.
My daughter, Katie Beth, moves out tomorrow.
I'm okay with that. Really. It's the right time, the right roommate. It's her next big step to independence.
And, yes, I will cry tomorrow when she packs her stuff up and trucks it over to her new apartment.
My daughter, Amy, is home still. But, with college and work and friends, she's not home much.
So, the nest is emptying.

And then there's Christa.

While my three older children don't need home in the way they have for years, Christa still does. And a big part of home for her has been Josh and Katie Beth and Amy.

So, as I navigate this empty nest experience, I'm also trying to help Christa navigate it too. She needs to know that she and Katie Beth are still sisters--no matter where Katie Beth lives.

I can't stop Christa's siblings from growing up and moving away. I can't help Christa grow up any faster--nor would I want to. But walking this tightrope of empty nesting and still maintaining a home for my caboose kid is challenging.

And that's an understatement.


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