In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The World of a Child

Christa has pulled me right back into the world of children. I confess, I went kicking and screaming. I had so "Been there, done that."

Know what? The more I hang around in Christa's world, the more I like it.

Christa is enthusiastic about everything--coloring, reading, running on the playground, having lunch at Chik-fil-a, or imagining she and her friends are kitties or puppies or unicorns or princesses.

Christa is real. Peer pressure hasn't bent her out of shape and made her into someone she thinks she needs to be. She enjoys being Christa.

Christa has an amazingly simple, yet profound faith. She talks to God any time she wants to--and there is nothing pretentious about her conversations.

Two days ago, my oldest son's kitty, Muse, died. It was sudden and it was heartbreaking. Everyone cried and cried and cried some more. Last night, Christa talked to God about missing Muse.

"God, I hope Muse is having lots of fun in heaven with the other kitties," she said. "And I hope you are taking care of my dead fish too."

I bet God smiled while listening to Christa's prayer.

I know I did.


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