In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wrestling with Fear

Photo by CathyK/

"Anything I've ever done that was ultimately worthwhile ... initially scared me to death."
~Betty Bender, motivational speaker

Fear and me--we used to be good friends. I spent much too much time hanging out with fear. I let fear speak up for me on too many occasions.
Did I want to play volleyball with my friends? Umm, that would be a no because I was afraid I'd look like an uncoordinated klutz.
Did I want to try scuba diving? Pass.
Rock climbing? No, thanks.
I finally had to wrestle fear to the ground until it cried "Uncle" and gave up. You're still not going to catch me skydiving. I've no desire to jump out of a perfectly good airplane--at least not yet. But I've gone para-sailing. And snorkeling. And rappelling--even if I did laugh the whole way down the rock face and my instructor knew I didn't hear a word he said.

So, what about you? What scares you to death? What fear have you conquered--and was it worth your while?

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At 8:47 AM, Anonymous tracey solomon said...

what scares me? Book proposals and failure. Rejection, wrecking my kids, falling from heights,the dentist and needles...

(I'm slightly neurotic, we know this.) What fear have I conquered..... Well- it took me years to be able to submit things for publication, and that no longer makes me feel like throwing up- for the most part, it's exciting, now.

As far as wrecking my kids...that fear is for the most part conquered- I've learned that God is infinitely bigger than my mistakes, and can bring about good even in them.

Needles, dentists etc.. I wouldn't call conquered... but regularly faced and worth while for my health.

I'm inching towards facing the proposal. When I look at this list the thing that stands out is: fear that's not confronted is never conquered...

thanks, once again.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

The funny thing is, Tracey, when you write, you are one of the bravest people I know.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Jeanne Takenaka said...

What a great, and true, quote. :) What scares me? Sky diving? Definitely. I have the same philosophy as you, Beth. :) Other things: tornadoes, driving in a blizzard, rappelling (but this one also fascinates me), to name a few.

I am overcoming the fear of blizzard driving, only because God gave me plenty of practice in January and February this year. :) Tornadoes, I am still scared of, but it doesn't cause me to hyperventilate anymore. That's progress, right? And rappelling, I have tried. Once. And, if I was given the right incentive, I might try it again. :)

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Amy Lindberg said...

Beth, I'm going skydiving this summer with Jen's hubby Ben. We are living it up while our spouses watch from the safety of the ground. I can't wait!

At 7:54 PM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

I have some very brave friends!!


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