Great Read for Moms

Her latest book is Chill Out, Josey!, which continues the adventures of the aforementioned Josey in Russia. And, without giving too much away, I'll just say that moms and moms-to-be will sympathize and empathize with Josey's trials and travails. Along the way, Josey learns a lot about life, herself--and her relationship with God.
Now here's something fun: Susan is having a contest to celebrate the release of Chill Out, Josey! Here's what you do: Submit your funniest/craziest/most embarrassing PREGNANCY STORY and be entered to win a Super Fabulous, Ultra Deluxe Chill Out, Mom SPA BASKET!
***This contest is exclusively for her blog tour. Chances are there will be another contest going on for her general audience. Feel free to enter both contests. By submitting your story, Susan will know which contest you are entering!)***
I'm trying to decide what funny/crazy/embarrassing pregnancy story I could share.
The one that comes to mind is from my first pregnancy. I went into labor--and it was fast and furious. My husband and I drove to the hospital and I managed to walk and Lamaze breathe my way from the parking lot to the hallway of Labor and Delivery. Boy! That was a long hallway! Suddenly, I felt sick to my stomach. I started waddling--I mean, walking faster, hoping to make it to a bathroom before getting sick. About halfway down the hall, I saw a closed door. I grabbed the handle, prayed it was a bathroom, pulled the door open--and threw up all over somebody's office carpet. It was early in the morning, and I remember thinking, "Someone's going to be surprised when they get to work today."
I did have the nurse's attention--the ones still waiting for me down at the L&D desk. I was whisked away in a wheelchair, with someone declaring, "This woman is in transition."
All I knew was I was embarrassed to death!
Anybody else care to share?
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