In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In Others' Words: Living

"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it." ~Danny Kaye, actor

I am not an artist. When it comes to drawing, I fail at stick figures. And the last time I sat in an art class--so long ago I was wearing a uniform!--I focused on all the rules and techniques and how I wasn't able to follow them perfectly.

Where was Danny Kaye's perspective on art and life when I needed him?

For too many years I approached life like I approached that art class: Tell me the rules and I will do my best to follow them to the letter. In a word, I majored in legalism. 

Looking at life as a canvas that I can splash with color? That speaks to me of God's grace. Big, bold, uncontrollable grace.

What if the paint ends up somewhere I wasn't planning for it to go? Rather than seeing it as a mistake, how about I step back and admire that wonderful touch of green . . . right there. 

Unplanned. Unexpected. Perfect.

Have some fun today. Go throw some paint on the canvas of your life!

Photo by victomar/

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At 9:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

First of all, I love Danny Kaye!! Okay, got that off my chest...I love this post and I think I'm learning to love the unexpected in life. Takes me a few minutes (or days or weeks) sometimes to adjust, but it's sooo true that sooo often God's coolest blessings in my life come in unexpected, unplanned doses...thanks for the morning encouragement, Beth! :)

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

Melissa, I have to say, you've added some fun color to my life, friend!! May you have fun throwing lots of paint on your canvas today!!


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