In Others' WordsIn Others' Words

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In Others' Words: Obstacles

"The brook would lose its song if we removed the rocks." 
~Wallace Stegner, novelist

One of my favorite sights is a mountain stream. Whenever my family heads to the Colorado mountains, I grab my camera and add to my collection of photographs of mountain streams. I love the way the sunlight hits the water. The way the sun's rays angle through the trees. How sometimes even in June you discover patches of snow and ice along the stream banks. And the sound of the water--it's so relaxing to listen to it rush by.

It's easy to read the words of today's quote and think, "How true. Rocks create a brook's song." Isn't that a lovely thought?

But then ... I had to think about the rocks, the obstacles, in my life. Have I allowed difficulties to produce a song in me--or more of a whine? Would someone be refreshed by the words I speak about the tough times I've faced? 

Photo by Beth K. Vogt

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At 8:28 AM, Blogger Sonia said...

Yes Beth, I have been refreshed (and filled with hope) by the words you have shared about the tough times you have faced. I have never detected a whine. You have a very teachable spirit as you navigate though obstacles! Love you!

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

See--that's what friends are for! They turn the volume down on the whines and turn the volume up on the more positive words! Where would we be without friends? Hugs to you, Sonia!

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yikes, today I'm an expert whiner. Pinched nerve in my back, flat tire on my car, and here I am in the throes of final prep for an event for 800 women next week. I wanna give one big WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH...but your post is truly a great reminder. I can whine or I can be thankful my back isn't worse than it is, that I have a kind coworker who is putting a spare tire on my car for me (and that I wasn't stranded somewhere)...and that I still have a week and a half to pull together all the event stuff...Thanks for the encouraging post.

In other news, I'm so sick of car issues that I've decided to buy a horse.

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Beth K. Vogt said...

M-Tagg, so sorry there are so many rocks in your brook today!! Praying for a clear course in days to come--especially that your back pain will disappear.
Let me know how that horse works out for you, friend.


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